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WMS Announcements

Thursday, September 19, 2024 – Today is a “A” day

Word of the Week! Empathy (noun) The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.  Sentence: She showed empathy for her friend who was struggling to understand the math lesson.

Girls' Field Hockey: Practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. The first game is Monday, 9/23, away at Newtown.

Boys Soccer - Practice on Mondays and Thursdays after school. The 1st game is tomorrow away at Memorial. 

Girls Soccer - Practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. The 1st game is tomorrow at Cadigan against Memorial. 

Cross Country - Practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school.  

WMS Band Members - Lessons begin this week.  Please check your Google classroom for your lesson day.  You can also check out the music bulletin board to see what day you have your lesson.  See Mrs. Grace or Mr. Robinson with any questions.

HATS for HOPE fundraiser to benefit Tommy Fund for Childhood Cancer on September 27th: Tommy Fund provides emotional and financial support to local children with cancer and their families being treated at the Tommy Fund Hospitals.  To participate and show HOPE for local kids, bring $1.00 or more to school or donate online AND wear your favorite or silliest HAT!  

6th Grade Field Trip to The Mountain Workshop -  is scheduled for Monday, September 23rd

Picture Day is scheduled for September 24th

Walkathon -  is scheduled for October 17th (rain date is the 18th).  8th Graders - Please don’t forget to submit your tshirt drawings by Tuesday September 24th!


Lost & Found - There is a lost and found area set up outside the nurses office, please check if you are missing any belongings.  ALL LOST AND FOUND ITEMS ARE DONATED AT THE END OF EVERY MONTH SO CHECK IT OUT BEFORE THEY ARE GONE!